Welcome to StrategyVerse

Here, the only thing we don't offer is fluff

Who Are We

We are a PR consultancy that is born out of frustration of seeing people make fake promises to get clients, only to lose them in a couple of months. We know clients appreciate outcomes, not promises.

Our Mission

We want to take PR back to its glorious days where promises equalled delivery. Sounds too cheesy? It won’t when we tell you we are doing this one client at a time by delivering what they sign up for. 

What We Do

Our 6-D Process



Talk to prospective clients to discover the client-agency fit.



Define the PR objectives once we sign the contract with the client. 



Design a PR roadmap after studying the client’s business and researching the target customers.



Develop stories that engage the target customers.



Connect with relevant media platforms to publish those stories.



Deliver results as promised.

Why Choose Us?

We believe clients have the right to know how we manage their reputation and that’s why we ensure 100% transparency in our interactions with clients. 

If there is anything the clients want in addition to coverage in ET / NYT, it is ideas that will get them there. We know this and that’s why we come up with unique ideas for stories.

A great partnership is one where the partners show up when required. We keep our end of the bargain by responding quickly to clients’ needs.

We share deep insights about relevant media platforms with our clients to help them take the maximum PR leverage.  Otherwise, what’s the use of the knowledge we collected for nearly two decades!

Clients don’t need high PR value, they need coverage in relevant media platforms that makes them visible to their target audience. 

For that very reason, we invest all of our time in creating stories their audience would love to read and engaging with publications that they read. 

This technique gives much higher return on PR investments than the legacy system of calculating PR/Ad value.

How we fare

70 %
Satisfied Clients
89 %
Projects Completed

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Hi there, 👋

I am Praveen, founder of StrategyVerse Consulting.

How may I help you?